Mela (Melany) has been working on her recall recently.
She’s learning quickly (not surprisingly considering how quickly she learned to sit and lay down!) and loving the training.
She’s also (it’s taken roughly 6-7 months) starting to engage a little with toys. She doesn’t play with us (other than passing the toys back and forth between us very gently) but there are now 2 she likes to carry around and one is even slightly tattered, so she’s getting there.
She’s come so far in the 6-7 months we’ve had her.
When she first arrived she was extremely timid and jumpy, now she barrels into us when she sees us. And her personality keeps coming out more and more, which is amazing to see as she’s an incredibly smart, cheeky and goofy girl.
We’re so grateful to be on this journey with her and can’t wait to see her bloom more and more